The International Peace Bureau will hold a major international meeting in the Euopean Parliament on Thursday May 9th, 1996. It will be organised under the auspices of the Socialist group, with the support of the Intergroup for Peace and Disarmament, and/or Green group.

The purpose is two-fold:

1. World Court Project: To present an assessment of the advisory ruling on nuclear weapons due to be issued by the International Court of Justice around the end af March. This historic legal opinion will have many imptications for public policy in various fields.

2. Abolition 2000: To launch publicly a new stage in the international campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons.

A number of distinguished speakers from various fields wiIl be invited. The keynote address will be given by our President, Maj-Britt Theorin, a member of the Swedish Social Democratic group in the European Parriament. We hope there will be a good participation of lawyers, activists, parliamentarians, scientists and others from many parts of Europe and beyond.

IPB is a member of the 'Abolition 2000 Network', which was established in the Hague on 5 Nov 1995. Our main area of work in the coming years will be to encourage the development of nuclear disarmament policies within political parties, local authorities and parliaments.

There will be simultaneous interpretation.

The IPB's annual Council meeting will be held on the following day, Friday May 10.

There will be an Abolition NGO networking meeting on Saturday May 11, (subject to demand).

The European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT) will be holding a weekend meeting on Saturday and Sunday 11-12 May, followed by a one day conference on arms trade in the Parliament on Monday May 13.

Participants are encouraged to attend as many of these events as they feel able to.

Contact for the ENAAT meeting:

Ernst Gulcher
Green Group in the European Parliament
97-113 Rue Belliard
1037 Brussels
Tel: +32-2-284-3613/3045
fax: 230-7837 or 284-9143

Further details of all these meetings will be sent out soon by email, fax and mail. Contact:

Colin Archer, Secretary-General
International Peace Bureau
41 Rue de Zurich
1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22-731-6429
Fax: 738-9419

Networking Project * Nuclear Abolition Network * Organizations