     Plaintiffs, Pro Se               )   
                                      )   CA 88-_____________
versus                                )   
                                      )   Judge _____________
RONALD WILSON REAGAN, et al,          )  
     Defendants                       )


I, Sunrise, plaintiff, pro se, in the above entitled action, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and recollection:

1. I have been in Lafayette (Peace) Park since about September, 1986. My intent in being in the park has been to demonstrate through example the brotherhood of life (SEE, Aquarian Gospel [Aq. Gosp.] 1/ 83: 24, also 28: 3-10, 74:23), to stand "in the open high upon the stand" (Aq. Gosp. 95: 34), and work toward transmuting my "tendancy to evil things to that of righteousness and love." Aq. Gosp. 20: 18.

3. I have tried to spend as much time as possible awake and at the demonstration site to maximize my communications to the general public my beliefs that the society of this nation, for the welfare of itself and humanity must repudiate policies predi-cated on lies, and violence, and embrace solutions based on truth and creativity. My method of communication is personal demon-stration. I strive to convey my ideas by living them.

1/ Devorss & Company, publishers, Copyright 1907, 1935, 1964, ISBN: 0-87516-0417

4. I have disposed of all my wealth and distributed it to the poor as a testament to my faith in the God of Israel. Aq. Gosp. 112: 6, 7. There-fore I do not store property in Lafayette, but have only such signs and articles as assist in the transmis-sion of my message.

5. At no time do I shower, defecate, launder clothes, use shelter, prepare food, or make fires in the Park.

6. As it seems God has ordained it, at some point my body becomes overcome by fatigue and INVOLUNTARILY shuts down. Although I would prefer to maintain wakeful consciousness so as to increase my productivity, if God ordained otherwise I do not see that I have any alternative.

7. In November or December of 1986 I was lying down under blankets, and I was not sleeping. The time was after 10:00PM. I was approached by officer Rolla, and told I would be kept awake all night long because if I went to sleep I would be camping.

8. I asked, "Then [you are saying that] sleeping is camping?"

9. Officer Rolla replied, "Yes, sleeping is camping."

l0. I then stood up and exclaimed, "Sleeping is not camping."

ll. Officer Rolla then said I was under arrest.

l2. "For what?" I asked. "Speaking?"

l3. "Disorderly conduct," he said, and began pushing me back towards the benches with his nightstick. He called for other police on his radio. He pushed me into a bench and the bench fell over. Officer Rolla then proceeded to handcuff me and transport me to Haines Point, where I was incarcerated.

l4. The following day a Superior Court judge dismissed the charges, although I asked for a trial.

l5. During the course of my demonstration activities I have always attempted, to the best of my understanding, to stay within the seemingly ever-shifting NPS regulations.

l6. On April 15, 1987, at about 10:00 AM, I was resting under blankets in Lafayette Park south of my two demonstration signs, when I was approached and disturbed by Richard Robbins of the Solicitor's Office of the Department of Interior, Lt. Hall, Sgt. Malhoyt, Officers Dause, Burnette, and numerous other officials of the U.S. Park Police.

l7. It had been raining intermittently for some days.

l8. Lt. Hall woke up another person (Michael) who was resting in the vicinity of my signs. Lt. Hall asked me if there was anyone under the tarp next to me, and I replied "No."

l9. Then Richard Robbins told me that I must get rid of my tarp and blankets.

20. I told the officers that I was not storing these things but I was using them as part of my demonstration, and that "if I can't have these things then I don't want to demonstrate."

2l. "Good," Officer Burnette replied.

22. Then I said: "Here, take them, they're not mine anyway." I proceeded to toss the blankets on the sidewalk, and the tarp on the grass.

23. "Pick up the blankets," Officer Burnette told me.

24. "Why? You want them, you pick them up," I replied.

25. Officer Burnette then stepped up and pushed me three times. I said, "I'm only doing what you told me to do."

26. Officer Burnette then arrested me and charged me with disorderly conduct.

27. I was then put into a Park Police transport vehicle, and watched as Park Police officers threw my signs and effects, including an expensive Ovation guitar, into the back of an open pickup truck.

28. I was then transported to Haines Point, where I was booked. Eventually I was taken to the District of Columbia Superior Court, where the charge of Disorderly Conduct was dropped.

29. On or about August 1, 1987, at approximately 7:45 p.m. I was in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House.

30. At the above date and time I was using a small 12 volt amplifier to actually speak to the general public as well as to demonstrate my opinion that individuals have the responsibility to articulate their ideas one to another so as to achieve under-standing.

3l. The amplifier which I was using was smaller than the "ghetto blaster" radios which individuals often carry through the park, and did not produce enough decibels to unreasonably disturb other people.

32. On the above date and time United States Park Police Officer Bradley Hewick, accompanied by another officer, known to me only as "Poncho," exited the guard shack at the northwest gate of the White House, crossed Pennsylvania Avenue, and approached me as I was speaking to the public and a group of people who were seated in the park.

33. Officer Hewick told me that unless I turned off my amplifier I would be arrested.

34. I asked Officer Hewick why I was not allowed to use the amplifier.

35. He said that it was "against the rules." However when I asked him to tell me what rule it was against he said that he didn't know.

36. I felt threatened and intimidated by officer Hewick's words and behavior. As a result I desisted in my efforts to communicate with the general public.

37. Greatly disturbed by Officer Hewick's actions I wanted to discover the correct name of the officer who had accompanied him. That officer ("Poncho") had returned to the guard shack at the northwest gate of the White House.

38. I approached the window of the guard shack, and was greeted by U.S. Secret Service officer Normandidi who said: "What the fuck do you want?"

39. I replied that I would like to know the Park Police officer's name.

40. Officer Normandidi said: "Wait a minute and I will come out there."

4l. Officer Normandidi came out of the guard shack and grabbed my pen while threatening me with his nightstick. "Go across the street and you'll be happy," he told me.

42. Officer Normandidi refused to return my pen, would not tell me the Park Police officer's name, and held his stick threateningly until I left.

43. On December 28, l987, the National Park Service issued me a permit to conduct my demonstration exactly as I had been doing since September, l986.

Under penalty of perjury
this 30th day of September, l988,

Sunrise S. Harmony,
Defendant Pro Se
P.O. Box 27217
Washington, DC 20038
(202) 462-0757