"In reality there may be nothing to fear but fear," Thomas told himself.

Perhaps Thomas' fear of public speaking went back to his youth, to his elders' disinterested rejection of young Billy's remembered Experience, or his pastor's reluctance to test the theory that all might come to repentance and none need roast in hell. In any event, as Bill, Thomas had usually been afraid to open his mouth lest someone laugh at his ideas.

Life had brought him to think that there was only one reality, but as many different perspectives as perceivers. Perceivers of separate realities could choose, it seemed, between only two alternatives. A perceiver could attempt to impose his perception of reality upon another. To Thomas' mind, might was not right. Alternatively communication could lead to understanding and understanding might be right.

"Reality" is one thing, a "Perspective of Reality" is something quite different.

Misunderstanding seemed to generate many problems. Thomas started to think of communication as a potential solution of all humanity's problems. On the other hand the might-makes-right philosophy, embodied in ever-evolving genocidal weaponry, might dictate that humanity would not be around long enough to solve any of its problems.

Now, driven by the concept that the fate of humanity was more important than being ridiculed, Thomas overcame his fear, climbed on a box in Hyde Park and began communicating his perspective of reality in public.

"Jesus asked, 'If you don't love your neighbor, who you have seen, how can you love God, Who you have not seen?' Jesus said, 'You cannot serve two masters for you will love the one and hate the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.'

"Jesus' words were true. Because humanity serves Mammon we hate our neighbors. Because we hate our neighbors we have built ever more efficient killing machines. Rather than building bigger and bigger nuclear weapons we need to learn to love our neighbors. Unless humanity eliminates nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons will eliminate humanity."

"Rubbish," yelled a heckler. "We don't live in a world of black and white. We live in a world with many shades of grey. There are vicious people in this world who'd like to enslave us. We need to protect ourselves. What would you do about Hitler?"

"Do we recognize Hitler as evil for some reason beyond his lack of respect for human life? Nuclear weapons have no respect for life. Are you pushing the premise that two wrongs make a right? Satan is often referred to as the 'Prince of this World.' Satan has no respect for life, and would prefer to see human beings continue to act like beasts, for that is the condition which creates Hell. Maybe the 'Prince of Peace' would prefer to see the sheep guided by reason and forgiveness."

"Ya pie-in-the-sky Jesus freaks live in a fantasy world. There ain't God or Devil. There ain't right or wrong. Everything is relative," the heckler responded.

"I believe that the earth was created by a universal First Cause," Thomas stated. "I call this First Cause 'God.' To me the world is something quite different from the earth. Experience and reflection make me believe that the world has been manifest on the earth not by any universal causes, but solely through the ideas and actions of humanity.

"It is written in the 22nd verse at the 3rd chapter of Genesis, 'Behold the man has become as one of us, knowing Good from Evil.'

"To me it seems that discerning what works, what's good, useful, from what doesn't work, what's useless, evil, is the root of human creativity. The square wheel is evil, it doesn't work. Knock the corners off. That's better, it works more smoothly. Knock the corners off of the corners. Better yet, it works better. Once all the corners have been knocked off of all the corners, the wheel is perfectly round, and a solid foundation for technology -- from the ox cart to the space shuttle -- has been fashioned.

"But there is a danger. The knowledge of 'Good' and 'Evil' may as easily be a curse as a blessing. Like wheels, light bulbs, banks, insurance companies, Sten guns and Uzis, nuclear weapons are all products of human imagination. You accuse me of living in a world of fantasy, but aren't we all guilty of that if we live in a world that is merely a construct of ideas?"

"'Construct of ideas,' he says," The heckler scoffed. "Just a figment of my imagination that communism wants to dominate the world, and Khrushchev said he'd bury us, is it?"

"I've never read anything by Marx, but I heard Khrushchev said they'd bury you without firing a shot. Are you suggesting that you're so terrified of Marx and Khrushchev that you'd be willing to destroy millions of people in Moscow, most of whom probably don't like communist economics any more than you do? To me that sounds evil." Thomas was on a roll.

"Competing notions are divided by national boundaries, which separate 'just us,' from 'justice' and one brand of ideological claptrap from another. Yet any objective examination of the large dirt ball we call Earth shows these old familiar lines are similar to mass psychosis, neither integral or innate to the natural order of things.

"On the road to heaven lines of division must be the first illusion to drop by the wayside. On earth the demise of the lines would not hurt the rain, which would continue to fall, or the plants, which would continue to grow, or the creatures, which would continue to procreate, but would stimulate communication, understanding, and peace, which the old lines have inhibited."

"What about the territorial imperative? It's human nature for a man to protect his home," another member of the audience interjected.

"I would agree that in a sense men are as rats. If a strange rat crosses the established lines of a rat tribe the stranger is mobbed by members of the local establishment. But I think it is a mistake to confuse 'animal nature' with 'human nature.' Relative to men rats are somewhat more securely chained by instinct. Some optimists believe that humans, with their ability to distinguish 'Good' from 'Evil,' are blessed with an opportunity to rise above base animal instincts and evolve a more God-like nature. Rather than being guided by reason, human beings are sometimes driven by instinct and act more like animals. Should the old familiar lines continue to assert their ascendancy, ignorance, fear and war will continue to flourish, and it is likely that humanity, behaving like rats, will eventually exterminate itself.

"As I define them, Reality, Truth, and God share common attributes in being absolute, as well as being objective rather than subjective entities. One truth is that when you live by the bomb you'll die by the bomb."

"I tol' ya there ain't no absolutes. There ain't no God," the first heckler reiterated. "We live in a real world, and in a real world ya got evil people."

"I thought I'd already demonstrated that the world we are living in is really built from ideas. Since you haven't proven me wrong on that point, you haven't proven that there are evil people, instead of only evil ideas.

"Mud ball Earth is a large mass of dirt composed of an apparently finite number of elements ... hydrogen, oxygen, etc. Human beings are composed, and/or show traces, of each of those finite elements. I call this Elemental Reality.

"Astronomers, sub-atomic theorists, and some members of the scientific community need not be too alarmed. Careful analysis reveals that the idea of Elemental Reality would negate neither the Milky Way, Quarks, or even Chemical Reactions. However, a hypothesis which focused on elements rather than customs would bring reality down to earth. Dealing with what is, rather than with what is conventionally accepted, would improve human reasoning, thus enabling them to apprehend the truth of pressing priorities which have eluded human understanding for at least four millennia.

"Blue- and white-collar workers may have little time or inclination to analyze the concept of Elemental Reality, but with Elemental Reality as their guiding light their lives would become much brighter.

"Living as they do in a world of imaginary reality, judges, most lawyers and doctors, perhaps psychiatrists and psychologists in particular, might perceive a threat in Elemental Reality, but there is hope for them. In concentrating on the perfection of honesty and objectivity, building faith in love and mercy, professionals should be able to make the transition from their present value system to one which is founded on the sanctity of life and truth.

"Hucksters, illusionists, theocrats and ideologues will be crushed by Elemental Reality. They depend on rhetoric, subjective theory and myths to create their profits. They are likely to cry: 'God has been left out of the picture.' Fortunately, facing Elemental Reality will force charlatans out of the limelight, allowing the Creator to regain center stage and the ideologue a less egocentric perspective of the Cosmos."

"You're talking that shit now, mate," the heckler said. "Ya wouldn't in the Soviet Union though. Ya oughta be thankin' yer silly God that ya've got nuclear weapons protecting yer stinkin' duff."

"What is freedom beyond the individual's ability to make a choice?" Thomas paused for an answer, heard none, and continued. "Daniel made a choice, and was cast into the lion's den. Daniel knew what he was doing. Sometimes freedom may demand a bit of courage, but I don't see how an individual or a nation can ever attain freedom by incinerating multi-millions of other individuals."

"Well, you just try to say the kind of things you're saying under communism," a woman said. Her accent marked her as an American.

"All I can do is to pray for the courage to do what I believe is right." Thomas admitted.

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