United States v. Hamrick, et. al

CR. No. 91-232

United States of America


Brett A. Hamrick
Scott Galindez
William Thomas
Michael Walli
Bahram Ramhormozy

United States v. Hamrick, et. al.
Audio Disturbance

Trial: August 6, 1991
Judge: J. Richey

Notice, January 27, 1991, of Violation of Scott Galindez of codes 36 CFR 2.12 (a)(l)(i). Violation No. p305387. Officer J. Gurrieri. 1p.

Notice, January 27, 1991, of Violation of Brett Hamrick of codes 36 CFR 2.12 (a)(l)(i). Violation No. p305423. Officer J. Gurrieri. 1p.

Notice, January 27, 1991, of Violation of Bahrain Ramhormozy of codes 36 CFR 2.12 (a)(l)(i). Violation No. p305386. Officer J. Gurrieri. 1p.

Notice, January 27, 1991, of Violation of William Thomas of codes 36 CFR 2.12 (a)(l)(i). Violation No. p305383. Officer J. Gurrieri. 1p.

Notice, January 27, 1991, of Violation of Michael Walli of codes 36 CFR 2.12 (a)(l)(i). Violation No. p305384. Officer J. Gurrieri. 1p.

Notice, January 28, 1991, of Violation of Scott Galindez of codes 36 CFR 2.12 (a)(l)(i). Violation No. p304977. Officer P.C. Smith. 1p.

Notice, January 28, 1991, of Violation of Brett Hamrick of codes 36 CFR 2.12 (a)(l)(i). Violation No. p305423. Officer P.C. Smith. 1p.

Notice, January 28, 1991, of Violation of Bahrain Ramhormozy of codes 36 CFR 2.12 (a)(l)(i). Violation No. p305422. Officer P.C. Smith. 1p.

Notice, undated, of related case CR. No. 91-0231, United States v. Thomas. 1p.

D.C. Court File, March 23, 1991, Description of Offense of Ramhormozy, Bahram. Appearance information. 2pp.

Information, April 15, 1991, to Court of Us v. Galindez (CR No. 91-146) U.S. Mag. No 91-0335. 1p.

Letter, April 21, 1991, from Thomas to Margaret Napier, Clerk's Office, informing that related case 91-146 was currently being heard by Judge Bryant and that This case should also be heard by judge Bryant. 1p.

Filing, April 25, 1991, of CR. No. 91-0232. Copy sent to each defendant. 1p. 5 cps.

Notice, Clerk's Office, of designation of pending related case, CR. 91-0231. 1p.

Letter, May 1, 1991, from Clerk's office advising that case 91-232 is set for arraignment on May 17, 1991. 1p.

Motion, May 1, 1991, by Scott M. Galindez, to transfer related case 91-233. 2pp.

Motion, May 8, 1991, to transfer related case to the calendar committee and points and authorities in support thereof. 5pp.

Proposed Order, undated, ordering case be transferred back to the calendar committee to reassign case; and having Clerk note existence of related case 91-146. 2pp.

Letter, May 9, 1991, to ASUSA Steven Pelak esq. RE Bill of Particulars and Discovery. 5pp

Criminal Calendar Call Certification Sheet, May 14, 1991, for CR. No. 91-232. 2pp.

Reply, May 14, 1991, of Government to Galindez' motion to transfer related case 91-146. Government has no opposition. 1p.

Motion, May 16, 1991, for Thomas to proceed in Forma Pauperis. 1p.

Declaration, May 16, 1991, of Defendant in support of request to proceed in forma pauperis. 2pp.

Proposed Order, for Thomas to proceed in Forma Pauperis. 1p.

Criminal Calendar Call Certification Sheet, May 16, 1991, for CR. No. 91-232. Naming Thomas. 2pp.

Criminal Calendar Call Certification Sheet, May 16, 1991, for CR. No. 91-232. Naming Thomas, Walli, Galindez, Hamrick, Ramhormozy. 2pp.

Letter, May 16, 1991, to ASUSA Steven Pelak esq. RE current Case with Request for Discovery. Listing 6 items. 1p.

Letter, May 16, 1991, to ASUSA Steven Pelak esq. RE Bill of Particulars and Discovery. Listing 15 items. 3pp.

Order, May 17, 1991, allowing Thomas to proceed in Forma Pauperis. 1p.

Order, May 17, 1991, to consolidate cases 91-231, 91-232, 91-233. 1p.

Motion, June 11, 1991, by Plaintiff to Dismiss case. 1p.

Order, June 16, 1991, Granting government's motion to dismiss. 1p.

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