What's a Tribe of Anarchists to Do?

Going into their meeting with the Forest Service the Legaliaison delegation was between a rock and a hard place.

On the one hand they were bound by the dictates of their free, non-heirachical prayerful gatherings for peace and healing; on the other hand their beloved belly-button bearing, bureaucratic brethern and sistern were intent on promulgating a regulation to end the constitutional protection of non-heirarchical gatherings by requiring gatherers on Public Land to acquire a written permit.

Legaliaison's problem was to come up with a reasonable alternative to offset the bureaucrats' regulatory insistance. Essentially, the delegation argued: There's nothing wrong, so nothing needs to be fixed. They urged, the Forest Service not to require the Rainbow Family to get a permit because, (1) it violated their spiritual/philosophic/political/constitutional/whatever beliefs, (2) they detailed a long history of Rainbow Family use of Forest Service administered lands, and (3) the "Operations Plans," which Forest Service Rangers had been tacking to trees for years, sufficiently addressed any legitimate government interests